Owl King Publishing, LLC
Lyche Cover

Buy Lyche - $12.95

Writer's Digest Review

Lyche by E.A. Rappaport is a gripping and exciting read sure to please fantasy readers on every planet.

The cover is both scary and intriguing. I love the colors. Also, I love the color and style of the title and author credit font. Great job! The back cover is almost as good. The only thing I see missing is a great author photo and bio. I'd love to see an endorsement from another author or two as well, although I understand those aren't always possible to get. But this author is sure to be in that league soon.

The opening is fantastic. The story grabbed me from page one. Rappaport has such wonderful creativity and imagination! I like that the author created a world but still let the characters shine so the human element and interest remained. The story was complete, which is always a plus, yet let a wide opening to encourage readers to look for more from this author. I like that the author tells us all about the other books available.

This prolific author understands the genre and respects readers. Rappaport is sure to find and retain a legion of fans eager to read each and every book!
Judge, 22nd Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards